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You can call me Leslie.

I'm a Cancerian, '90

I dream and fantasize a lot.

I love photography.

I might just be a celebrity chef one day.

I am an animal lover.

I am health conscious sometimes.

I am not interested in people with no dining etiquette.

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  • Aunty Yochana
  • Curtis Stone
  • Hedi Slimane
  • Mike Rosenthal
  • Life's a highway, so take the wheel.

    Thursday, September 24, 2009



    Sunday, September 20, 2009
    Phobia 2!!!

    Holy the movie looks good~ Maybe we should watch it eh, CXM? HAHA!

    O'rite, Selamat Hari Raya to all my muslim friends. I wanna eat some kueh/putri salat please.. (:

    I am dying of boredom now! It's the weekends and I hate feeling like this. Plus, there are just so many things running in my head now and I'm not HAPPY. I don't know who to turn to, like as if anyone would care. It's hard to find someone that could make you feel special these days. Just when I'm feeling bored and unhappy, training is always like a get away for me but there's no training today! Damned!

    just let me feel special for once, that's all i'm asking for.

    Friday, September 18, 2009
    Wise up ya'll

    I bought a pair of new shoes. I like~ Love the stuff there at edit. even though a lil bit costly. Chopped off some hair too and now my head feels damn light. Body was aching badly the whole day due to yesterday's training.

    Aini called just to rub the coarsest salt on my wound. "Eh, Y's working at the F1 too!" Not funny~ if only what i'm doing now is my passion, wait, i don't even have one.

    Weehee! Am working with WeiKang and CXM on this coming Tuesday!!!!!!!! Finally some moolahs coming in. (:(:(:

    I pretty much enjoyed my first half of the day. Oh well, I don't really give a shit about dramas, so whatever. Beer-ed at Indochine and didn't get to meet up with Jasper. Dude, like long time no see? Anyways, mobile's down. Just SMS me will do and don't bother calling cos I won't be able to hear you. =D

    p.s. if only you guys are more sensitive to other people's feelings.

    Wednesday, September 16, 2009
    Marmite Day

    My computer have been giving me problems. It must be too old and when it's time for a change, I actually forgotten about the existence of the PC show. #$%$^$&!

    I just bought a new pair of slippers.. again. 50% off man! And everytime when I go to NUM to buy slippers, they always don't have my size! My feet that big? I swear that'll be my last Havaianas slippers cos I find them common and boring. Next: boat shoes and jeans. (:

    My porridge with Marmite for lunch today was good, except that I was a lil too excited that I added too much Marmite - a lil too salty, had to keep diluting and diluting and diluting and diluting.....

    Yada yada yada.... Good job Beyonce! And, look at what Lady Gaga wore. Total crapness.

    Tuesday, September 15, 2009
    A sobx or two.

    Supposedly a nice relaxing Tuesday, had to go to school to clock my 300 hours at the cafe in the end. It was really boring cos not much customers and I stood at the counter helping other people using my EYE POWER. I know right, damn pro. My lunch for tomorrow will be porridge with MARMITE! I saw Marmite at Shop&Save and was do damn excited. Such childhood memories~ (:

    I hope that when I go for the raya visitings, there will be tons of Kueh Salat!!! I always love all these kueh kueh here and there but can never remember their names. =X They just taste sooooooooooooooo divine. To me at least. (:(:(:

    I chance upon this video at youtube. Seriously Kanye, you really spice up the show. HA! I can't wait for the VMAs on MTV cos I think it'll be damn good.

    Sunday, September 13, 2009
    Fish Fillet

    I have never felt so miserable at training before. Itchy butt me went to take my medicine with an empty stomach which in the end, stomach was churning the whole time!

    Yea, my hand with two scratches I got during training. They are like symmetrically aligned and look like fish fillet about to be pan-fried soon. Thanks FANGMIN! (:

    Ugh, I am feeling for some good food but I can't at the moment. Steamboat should be fine. Any takers? (: Mahjong + steamboat = lagi BEST!!

    Friday, September 11, 2009
    Just some figures.

    I've gotten my results yesterday. Fortunately, I passed everything. A few of my good people didn't manage to pass all and I know that feeling VERY well. Trust me, it gets worse when you see people flaunting their grades or just can't wipe that smile away from their faces.

    I really hate to be graded cos I don't feel like a human - more like a product.

    Thursday, September 10, 2009

    This is CXM's shaggy dog, Munchy. Should let Cashie and Munchy meet up sometime. HAHA! munchy would probably be dead by then. (;

    Haven't been feeling well and have decided to skip today's training due to the strong medicine which would cause me to become damn drowsy. AND, also due to another reason that I refuse to go out. =P Everyone's effort of asking me out will be futile for the time being.

    I really do believe in karma 101% now.

    Sunday, September 6, 2009
    ZQS camp 09'

    The camp was real fun, even though training on the first day was kinda boring. It was Sensei's birthday on the first day and we bought him a Choya Plum Wine. And, he let me try that 48% rice wine.... WOO~ It was damn gratifying, at the same time, I couldn't understand the taste.

    I regretted not sleeping because it has taken a toll on my body already. I shall stick to a very strict healthy diet and regular exercises for the time being cos the doctor said my body is poisoned. Damned!

    p.s. I shall not loiter around until I recover.

    Wednesday, September 2, 2009
    Sexy voice

    HOLA! Met up with CXM for lunch today! Finally, I got some fresh air, if not, I think imma stale and turn mouldy already.

    Initially was to go Parkway, so that I can eat ice-cream. Don't know why we ended up at Orchard Road. Saw tons of goodies and wanted to buy them but I gotta have self-control. Better don't spend so much for the time being.

    I have a sexy voice now due to the sore throat and cough. OH! I'm going jogging tomorrow. I love to jog, but that was five years ago. HEH HEH! Well, since I won't be going out that often, I might as well go for a jog at the reservoir right? hopefully this determination will last la.... =X

    Tuesday, September 1, 2009

    宅男, a person who stays at home the whole day. (something like that)

    A peek-a-boo of Cash. (:(:(:(:(:(:

    Luckily tomorrow I'm meeting CXM for lunch, or else imma have a headache when the maid is here.

    jasper ah~ when is my cap coming in?