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You can call me Leslie.

I'm a Cancerian, '90

I dream and fantasize a lot.

I love photography.

I might just be a celebrity chef one day.

I am an animal lover.

I am health conscious sometimes.

I am not interested in people with no dining etiquette.

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  • Aunty Yochana
  • Curtis Stone
  • Hedi Slimane
  • Mike Rosenthal
  • Life's a highway, so take the wheel.

    Saturday, September 27, 2008
    Shisha Love

    Shisha again! Des couldnt join CXM and I cos he gotta work. aww~ today's flavour was strawberry. next time i wanna try cherry with apple. (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:

    Excited for CXM. woots! and i am so craving for a partner man! ok just a craving. clubbing at Zouk soon. cant wait. heh heh!

    sallie, tempted? hiak~

    Wednesday, September 24, 2008
    "That One Mother Fuckin' Pin"

    had my last supp. paper tdy. i really wanna slaughter that lecturer cos she told us to study MICROWAVE and said that it's important but in the end, NOT EVEN ONE QNS OF THAT CAME OUT. she is seriously wasting my time and youth. the paper's even tougher than the main exam. wtf? i guess imma fail agn. suck it!

    okay. my ez-link died on me tdy. WHY?! why can ez-link spoil? it's so ridiculous! i had to make my way to Pasir Ris to make another card. now, no giro. fuck. i had only $10 in my card the whole day and it's pathetic.

    and then, met up with my classmates. went to Marina Square for bowling. i sat there laughing at everybody! EVERYBODY! dinner at Thai Express then lepak at the bay again. love it there.

    okay. i have no ez-link alrdy. gave it to my mom to activate the giro. sian.

    that one mother fuckin' pin. Sallie said.

    Monday, September 22, 2008
    Shaunnie's Showcase

    alright. Happy Birthday Shaun! (a bit late though) but it's ok. hahahaha!

    ok it was my first time trying not to eat a lot of bbq food. i only had one wing and a hotdog. that was it! anyhoots, ppl started playing True or Dare. i tell you, i wasnt involve at first. i just sat there laughing - spectator identity. then those arnd the table had to "kinda" get involved. =.=
    1. Douglas kissed Shaun. lips-to-lips. very orgasmic. haha!
    2. Desmond had to bite my neck. (wtf? why me? lol.)
    3. Shumin kissed Eileen, Elisa kissed Jeremy. (all the kissing took FOREVER!)
    4. HanFei had to kissed Eileen's abdominal area. (he kissed the pelvic area instead) =D
    5. Douglas had to lick Desmond's belly button which turned into a kiss on it instead.
    6. Shumin and HanFei had to touch the tip of their tongues 2gether.
    7. I had to pass a sweet into Eileen's mouth. (me and my stupid idea..... but im gamed) LOL!

    after that, we went to Beach Cabanna for drinks. 13 people! had to split tables with HanFei and gang. then Jeremy, Chu, W.M, Elisa, ShuMin, Minhui, Cyn and I made our way up to a Thai pub. omg! kinda happening but i wasnt high. the stage performance was entertaining though. Elisa was high and drunk. haha! danced like nobody's business. i was so composed - seated there shaking a lil and drinking only.

    oh those thai dancers looked like CXM. very much alike. HAHA! she's gonna kill me. =X

    Saturday, September 20, 2008
    "Virgin" Pandan Cupcake

    i made my very first pandan cupcake today. virgin ok. :)

    doing the batter.. green and slimy~ sexy eh~

    then into the sauna. i watched them rise...

    and the end product! of cos it's nice and the appearance is a lil bit......... hahahahahaha! got bubbles before i put inside the oven that's why. my hands are like tired of all that whisking.. if only there's an electronic beater at home.. had fun though. a good saturday spent!

    Friday, September 19, 2008

    hey waddup people!

    i feel happy man. i had my BMIC supp. paper tdy and seriously, i know how to do it!! please let me pass this time. i hate the alphabet "F". i did the most hilarious and foolish thing ytd night.

    i placed my notes under my pillow and went to bed.

    all just a superstition. HAHA! i was chatting with Aini ytd on MSN and she told me to place my notes under my pillow. i thought it was ridiculous. so i switched off the lights, tucked under my blanket, and then i saw my notes kinda like glimmering on the floor right beside me. so i thought, "well, better be safe than sorry". HAHA!

    ok. i have posted a song. it's a soundtrack from 4bia (fear) and i effing love it! so, enjoy.

    Wednesday, September 17, 2008
    I Just Need Lady Luck

    alrighty, tmr's my first supp. paper. i am kinda confident now. just like Sallie. LOL! we will pass. we will pass. we will pass. we will pass.

    i just need to hug lady luck. she has to be there for me. apparently, she's not now. why? bcos my calculator just died on me!!!!!! how am i suppose to calculate the generation time w/o my calculator?!?!?!?!?!?! i need to "LOG" here and there. oh fuck.

    okay. my neighbour's son is crying again. can he stop crying?!?!?! im having evil and murderous thoughts again. i wanna kill all of them. u know, like HappyTree Friends? haha! i'll beat their brains with an eggbeater. cry and cry and cry... how am i suppose to study?

    and now, ice-cream man is ringing. i'll melt his ice-cream and make him cry. grr!

    Monday, September 15, 2008
    Mooncakes & Sparkles.

    It's a sunday and i studied BMIC this afternoon. c'mon! how bout a round of applause? CXM came to my place for dinner. and then watched a tad bit of Sky High cos we were waiting for the rain to stop.. wanna lepak and bask under the moonlight at our new lepak-ing place.

    getting ready and she snapped it.

    we went to Sheng Shiong to buy those sparkle sticks thingy. then to 7-11 for drinks and Tako Yaki. oh yes, why do i always 4gt to remove the sauce packets in the tako yaki box?????? so pissing.

    this PIGGIE was brought home from CXM's country club. it's so cute dont ya think? haha! we ate the ears first, then the nose and then the eyes which tasted like crap. goodbye piggie! i still prefer my own mooncake i brought there - with the double yolk. woots!

    we caused so much smoke that i thought would be embarrassing if it affects the stage performance there. but nonetheless, we hecked care and had fun.

    see! just like a kid running around.

    then we climbed into the forbidden zone to take picturessssssssssssssssss.


    ciggie shot number 1.

    ciggie shot number 2.

    ended the night with a smile.

    Sunday, September 14, 2008
    Bloated Feel

    had Steamboat with the Js and then off to Jasper's place. lepak there. fuckin' luv his room. machiam hotel.

    it's like a living room. Jasper said.

    had beer.. Heineken for a change. we played cards, stackos, guess who, hide-and-seek, watched DVDs and gr8 music with cool stereos. hmms... if only i can have my room renovated too.

    so tdy, i had nothing but dinner only. but i just feel bloated the whole day. must be all the junk foods and beer. anyways, i changed my blog's layout. i got so much time to spare for this but im giving excuses not to study. grr.. ok i will. TOMORROW! SWEAR!

    Thursday, September 11, 2008
    i feel better.

    got my butt out cos if not, i think i'll suffocate and die. frustrations are getting the best of me. i am having this mother fucka acne on my chin. lick it.
    i bought a bottle of plum wine at the Seoul Market. it's hella good if u wanna get drunk man!

    CXM asked me out. so went over to the reservoir. omg. i just love it there. it'll be my new relaxation place instead of that 16th storey place. LOVE IT! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:


    this would be the third time im editting this post.

    my mind is really blank. i need someone to talk to. someone that could give me the motivation to continue.

    i tried to vent my frustrations. i tried to sleep. i tried to laugh it off.

    but i couldnt get this weird feeling inside of me to go away.

    i am not smiling. i am searching for some answers to my own life. i don't know my passion anymore.

    it is not just "try harder" "cheer up" "you can do it" kinda thing. i lost the ability to look at the bright side. totally.

    nobody knows... nobody.

    Sunday, September 7, 2008
    It's A Sunday!

    tmr it's Monday and it'll be another boring week ahead. i feel so mindless man! it's like ppl are working/finding jobs and some are at school.

    boredom's so gonna kill me.

    i needa do some shopping, more tanning, more gym and contact lens. so if anyone wanna shop, pls DRAG me along cos i'll prolly be so lazy to move my butt.

    i told myself to smoke less. i only smoked 3 sticks ytd. CXM will be devastated.

    i have 3 pimples just beneath my nose - diagonally. think what? tic-tac-toe ah? it was so fucking difficult to shave la. imagine i shave those pimples away. bloody. (:

    anyways, i saw XiaoTong ytd. she looked pretty with make-up on. we talked for less than 10 secs. oh ya, that STRANGER, she sat right next to me the other time.

    we cried the moment we step into this world bcos the road ahead will be difficult. a bald and holy man said.

    Saturday, September 6, 2008
    BEACHy Weather

    im glad i survived the ordeal. it was one hella ride under that puny shelter with some indiano ppl. well, at least i had my fair share of beehoon, chicken wings, hotdogs and satays. oh well, bitchy weather..

    a memorable b'day celebration for Eileen eh.. ha ha! anyways, i left early.. hmms.. i think that was my earliest departure ever during BBQ or chalet. i wasnt feeling it alrdy man~ like all the rain and stuff, it made me sleepy. so Jasmine and I left 2gether.

    hmms.. it's getting nearer to the release of the results. like wtf? ugh... i am NOT prepared to take supp. paper. it kinda sucks. BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC BMIC fuckyou!


    woohoo~~~ shisha again.. it's the love!

    talked abt what a jerk/dick i was during the sec sch days. yes. i felt bad after CXM told me cos i have 4gotten most of the stuff. i am so sorry for all the things that i have done in the past. it's so not me now. i am a peaceful child.

    i am enjoying my minced meat noodles now. so shall stop here. adios!
    dear CXM, i purposely put my pic there only so u can't COPY them. muahahahaha! come and get it from me. hiak~

    Thursday, September 4, 2008
    Onitsuka Tiger

    i loveeeeeeeeeee this pair of shoes - Onitsuka Tiger by Asics. i am so gonna buy it! that is when i have that extra moolahs.. well, i aint gonna work part-time bcos i am fucking lazy. yea.. just plain lazy even though i really do wanna be a StarBucks boy. speaking of StarBucks, CXM bought a cake called Warm Chocolate Cake which was ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! actually, im not a big fan of chocolates but that cake was the sex man! i think the cake is good for pre-sex activity. ha ha ha ha! serious.

    anyways, met up with Andy and Elisa today for lunch at Macdonald's. finally had my McSpicy and there's the value lunch thingy which only cost $5.50 for an up-sized meal. watched 4bia again. omg. it was so mindless. i just sat there tryna learn Thai instead.

    i feel like doing some shopping. i am lacking of bermudas to wear. like seriously. i opened my wardrobe tdy and i feel like killing myself for not buying berms when i could have and instead, i bought many tops. grr... now, i need jeans and new slippers. STUPID CXM, I HATE GOING TO HEEREN'S NEWURBANMALE. oh ya! a new bag!

    today, i heard a rather emotional news from a fren. i was kinda devastated actually. well, my mom said karma from the previous life. i nvr believed in those stuff but i am actually doing a lil prayer inside hoping that he'll be okay. he'll be fine. he'll be fine. he'll be fine.

    anybody wanna shisha with me? (:

    Wednesday, September 3, 2008
    Muscle Ache's Satisfaction

    i am so happy right now. why? cos my muscles are aching like mad!!! woooooots! i didnt got my desired tan bcos whenever i wanna go swimming, the weather decided to be bitchy on me. yes. it's fucking bitchy.

    i made my own Iced Tea today. i am so loving it. "zest and more zest." i think i looked evil when i used the peeler to obtain the zest. hiak~

    i havent had my McSpicy!! have been craving it the whole day. was LAZY to and muscles were aching like mad. oh ya, i need a bloody pair of new shoes. loafers are boring now and those bloody AHBENGS are wearing it! fuck them. but it's okay. it depends on who's wearing it to bring out the charm. i still want that pair of Lacoste shoes but i cant find it anywhere now!!!!!! fucking sad.

    oh, can somebody tell me where can i find torn and grunge jeans?

    Monday, September 1, 2008
    I Can't Think Of A Title

    ol'right i am going to the gym tmr with Jeff. this is like FINALLY! i am kinda lazy actually but i need to get toned up cos i think i jiggle whenever i jump. ha ha!

    i think i need some tanning... fair and jigglish. oh fuck. that sucks. i pant whenever i SING. yes. i pant. how badly shapped i am right now.

    hmms... i wanna shisha again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!