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You can call me Leslie.

I'm a Cancerian, '90

I dream and fantasize a lot.

I love photography.

I might just be a celebrity chef one day.

I am an animal lover.

I am health conscious sometimes.

I am not interested in people with no dining etiquette.

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  • My Favourites

  • Aunty Yochana
  • Curtis Stone
  • Hedi Slimane
  • Mike Rosenthal
  • Life's a highway, so take the wheel.

    Saturday, August 30, 2008
    Gr8 Day!

    the day was supposed to be better with a good long slp but my mama, woke me up at 0930 to have Macdonald's breakfast. i didnt want to wake up and so she said she wants to wash the bedsheets and i gotta shoo off. lol. and she won.

    met up with Sallie at Tamp. okay. i shall call her the lateness queen. like seriously, QUEEN. anyhoots, accompanied her to DownTown to book a chalet. after that, we went to Bugis to meet up with Jeff and Idah.

    SHISHA! muahahahahaha! Mango + Apple = jasmine tea. ha ha! i think im addicted to it. shits. 18x more lethal. woots! die die die !

    Jeff's underage. that's sad. but he's not a smoker. so it's okay.

    didnt take as much pictures... dammit! shall do it the next time. and i guess it'll be soon cos seriously, i am really addicted to it. hiak~

    ignore Jeff. i just love the background. p.s. i should be the one in the picture.

    off to BayBeats. many ppl. sat by the bay to enjoy the scenery and music.

    oh, continue.... by the bay to enjoy the scenery and music..... and BEER! Jeff and Sallie doesnt like Tiger Beer. i wonder why... it's okay. i love it.

    Idah went off with her frens. and the arrival of the sikit-sikit gal!

    so Sallie, Jeff and I went to the HongKong Cafe for supper.. reached home at around 12:40am.

    Friday, August 29, 2008

    yeah heh! it's the holidays now!!! but i think i may have to sacrafice a few days for my supp. paper cos i just stared at the BMIC paper today. i just stared. nothing can be better than that. ha ha!

    we were given 10mins to read thru b4 the start of the paper. i was like.... "hmmm.... i estimate i can finish this paper within 1/2 hr". and i did. i looked over to Sallie and she had her left hand on her forehead. haha! i looked at Jeff, he was thinking real hard. i heard WeiKang behind me asking qns. some clowns finished earlier than me, even though i think i finished it first but just refuse to move my butt.

    ........... i took a 5-10mins nap before continuing the paper.

    oh my god. why am i like that? i was never like that. BMIC changed me. oh no. i think it's Applied Science changed me! wait, do i look like a science-y and geeky person? oh pls, just let me cook and i'll be happy. at least i can be the "naked chef 2". blah blah blah....

    Shisha at Arab st. and Baybeats tmr. weehee! i am so gonna take pictures... if that is i can remember. i need some booze. icy cold pint of beer or a cuppa nice Long Island..

    Wednesday, August 27, 2008
    Dead Beat.

    stayed in school till like 7.30pm to 8pm. just to study math. look at what's inside my pencil case.. did u spot a stick of ciggie? ha ha!

    yawnssssss~ i slept for 5hrs! i mean my nap. it was a good nap - no blocked nose.. just the nice cooling weather and my bed. was supposed to go to sch to study BMIC but i guess with how tired i am tdy, nth will go into my head, especially that it's that darn BMIC.

    oh, i slept at arnd 1-2am and woke up at 730am. my eyelids could barely open and the feeling was like the eyeballs were so dry that it's kinda stuck to the lids and causing friction... okay, weird expression there but i got that intention to drip some EyeMo, machiam lubricant. haha! i studied math for another 15mins b4 gg to sch and i had Chicken Essence. still to me, it tastes like some saliva. but it's good! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    oh, math was okay. but i screwed 2 qns up which is like... 12+20 marks. ughhhhh!!!!!!!!!! sucks. oh yeah! Eileen's b'day party next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love parties!!! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:

    Monday, August 25, 2008
    Shisha & Baybeats

    i fucking can't wait for the holidays alrdy! rooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr! shisha and baybeats on Saturday. woots!

    i want to go back to sec sch on friday but that disgusting BMIC paper starts at 1430 and ends at 1630. wtf????? i swear i am gonna finish it fast. will be going to Uncle Roger's place! right CXM? miss him man~~~~ dont miss the sons. they're devils.

    okay, i am stuck between going to sleep or continuing my math. ugh...! oh right now, i have a piece of shit on my head. yes. it's my shittie hair. i swear im not gg back to that Pukka Hair Salon.. it makes me wanna puke. sad. all i can do now is wait for it to grow longer.... again...

    p.s. i need a hug. a good one. perhaps a kiss too.

    Sunday, August 24, 2008

    zzzzzzomg! 4bia was fantastic! it actually got me squinting my eyes and getting all excited. haha! bcos of the long suspense of the show.... it's like it makes u nervous for super duper long till the shock comes.

    oh, during the evening, i msged so many ppl but they just wouldnt get their ass off with me to the theatre. but luckily, Andy made it and he rock balls man! unlike all those ppl... anyhoots, had some Hong Kong food at TM and i think i wouldnt want to eat it again... still, im craving for olio-olio - all time favourite! or vongole! i must have spaghetti soon! i am missing the Spageddies Restaurant.

    p.s. no hard feelings...

    Friday, August 22, 2008
    A Boring Friday

    im taking a break here after tryna be hardworking... it's drizzling with gentle wind out there now - a pretty good weather to rest my soul. i wanna go out but i cannot cos i gotta STUDY! fuck you with your exams TP! fuck you! i nvr liked studying. damned!

    alrighty, went out with CXM ytd. saw the J2 ppl. i was like SHOOTS! i pulled CXM and turned away and i regretted. shld have "borrowed" CXM as my gf and just walk past them. i guess they saw me... i must have looked silly and stupid then. oh lord~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    i havent been sleeping well for about a month alrdy! the moment i rest my head on the pillow, within a few secs, the nose blocked. sometimes one nostril will be blocked. oh fuck. i cant slp like this! so this morning, i brewed a cuppa herbal tea. i guess i must have been too stressed out... i have had enough of the sniffing of medicated oil and the over-use of tissue papers.

    oh, i saw this random guy on my msn list. his msn display name was : there are more important things than hearing you speak. i like~~~~!

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008

    ok. i have sent invitations for my blog. apparently, i have to resort to this bcos of some losers spamming my tagboard. well, as time goes by, i'll open this blog back to the public.. oh whatever.

    hmms.. i feel uber lazy now. oh wait, i feel lazy most of the time. i havent really start to do my revision, i havent shower, i havent shave yet, i feel masam and i feel swollen. swollen = fat. btw, i was supposed to hit the gym and swimming pool this morning but i was kinda LAZY. so, i went back to bed instead. fried beehoon with mixed fruits ice-cream for lunch while i slugged at the couch watching tv. i love preparing my own meals... ok, im starting to LOVE cooking. like i've told Joyce, "my new passion is in the kitchen." im learning how to concoct different kinds of "summer" drinks. but u see, i am kinda LAZY to buy the ingredients. haha! i shall do that during my sem break. oh lord. i cant wait for the holidays! gym with good people and resting my butt. i seriously am considering being a StarBucks aka coffee boy. (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:

    Monday, August 18, 2008
    The Kids

    FNC test today was a killer! ok, blame myself for that cos i didnt study much.

    anyways, went to TM after school. Pizza Hut for lunch and the meatballs were uber gr8! after lunch, we went to Toys'rus to be lil kids again. see the mask there? that's Bumble Bee from Transformer. haha! how childish can we be man!

    Sunday, August 17, 2008
    Lepak Night

    went to Jasper's place to lepak. zomg... im loving his room. though it's not completely furnished yet but it's machiam a living room pub plus theatre. we had 3 bottles of beer and Absolute Vodka plus snacks to rock the night. oh, and super cool stereo~~ not 4getting the nicotine sticks. woots!

    went home at arnd 4.30am. (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:

    Friday, August 15, 2008
    oh cash.

    it's been ages since i last took Mr. Cashie Lim's pictures... i think he's so handsome plus a bit of donkey-look-alike.

    so tdy, sch was... a TOTAL waste of my time. only there for an hr listening to some presentations which almost knocked me out. skipped bmic and obc lectures.. slacked at ITAS while playing Big 2. aft that, went to Bugis to buy Jeff's presents. i bought a PINK tee and a deodorant for him. ala~ the nice big lele... (i dont knw when did i get the name, lele!) OIE, Christmas is coming!!!! hahahahahaha!

    ohhhhhhhhh... MTV Asia Awards at Malaysia rocked balls!!!!

    song playing : Beautiful Lie - 30 seconds to Mars

    Thursday, August 14, 2008
    Samsung Omnia i900

    okay. this is a phone i must get my hands on. it's so much better than iPhone man! but the price is a lil................................................ haha! well, shall save up to buy this phone.

    i am feeling much better now though i still can't get that fucking bmic prac. thingy outta my head. anyhoots, thank you all for the encouragement. ya'll rock balls man!!!!!!

    Wednesday, August 13, 2008

    im beaten alrdy. one huge punch on my face. i really feel like giving up. yes, i failed my prac. exam. it felt like total shit. i looked around and i wondered why some ppl could take it so lightly? a clown got 3.5/30 and is the effing lowest in class. but why is he still looking fine? somewhere at the corner of the lecture theatre, i heard another voice... "it only weighs a little percentage la." 15%.... is it that little?

    i did study for it. thinking abt it almost everyday. i tried my best. i guess im just plain dumb. how can anyone study yet fail? i have another prac. exam tmr and i cant find the strength to pick myself up from this mess.

    i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i am so fucking stupid. there isn't anything about me worth praising of. i suck at science. i suck at math. i suck at almost everything. i cant draw. i am not creative. i am a loser at everything. i have nothing that i am best at.



    Mrs Uma told a story during lecture. many were not listening cos apparently, she's hated. so, trying to sift out the nonsensical noises, i heard her story.

    there was this girl who saw a pupa. inside the pupa, there's a butterfly trying to free itself. she pitied the butterfly and helped by opening a little crack for it. soon, the butterfly freed itself and flew off. then she wondered why must that poor butterfly undergo this kind of process. and so the next day, she saw another pupa at a park. this time, she opened the pupa for the butterfly. but when the butterfly was freed, it couldnt fly. and it died.

    butterflies must free itself from the pupa to become strong. just like us, humans, if we are spoonfed all the way, we could pass the exams but out there in the society, we will not be strong enough and would succumb to the failure and weakness we have built.

    so, life's a bitch, embrace it.

    song playing : Disturbia - Rihanna

    Sunday, August 10, 2008
    I Have Studied.

    i love the sense of achievement of studying and understanding every bit of it. woots! i wanna rock the math test tmr. like rock the balls out of porky.

    BMIC lab test tmr. oh lord. i hope and WANT to pass it mutha fuckers. i aint wanna see Dr.Lee 's face anymore. like anymore! let's go Sallie! let's dont see his face again! ROAR!!!!!!

    song playing : Already Over - Red

    Saturday, August 9, 2008
    Olympic 2008

    it's the Beijing Olympic today. 08/08/08. oh well, pretty nice numbers over there. anyways, met up with J! went to watch netball. oh gosh.. i cant believe myself sitting there for hrs not knowing anyone and just doesnt fit in at both conversation and attire. all i could do was to just sit there with headphones plucked in and stared blankly. oh and i studied a lil bit of bmic there. no mood to study anyway.

    had fish-head steamboat after at Joyce's aunt's stall. wanted to meet up another J, jasper, but he was tired and gotta go to bed. yea.. was awfully sticky and hate that feeling. throw me onto a wall and i'll prolly just stick there.
    music playing : The Script - We Cry

    Wednesday, August 6, 2008
    Trying Hard To Be Hardworking

    i have been trying hard to be hardworking.. other than those days whereby i'll go to Uncle Roger's place to study almost everyday, including weekends, i am actually doing the past years exam papers! yes, i gotta admit i aint the smartie type. in fact, i think im like kinda dumb and feel like a loser sometimes? anyways, my course manager, Paul Sin, came to talk to my cohort cos apparently, we're not doing soooooooooooooooooooo good that it has aroused the attention of his. it sucks to be looked down upon.

    took back math and bmic quiz papers. i failed math and passed bmic. how surprising! i have no more time to waste seriously. two weeks later i'll be having my exams and next week would be my practical exams. i am feeling the nerves now...... i dont wanna fail.

    my sem break is 1 month and 13 days! that's smth to be happy of. oh ya, i am doing the rubik's cube now. i am somewhere there to the completion of the first surface but the rest are all mixed up. grrrrrrrrr~~~

    "this is the worse cohort in TP's history. 74.5% failed." Doc Alex Lee said.

    Disaster Movie

    this is gonna be a geek show. it's like why would anyone spend money (esp movie tickets are getting expensive) to watch these kinda show? but, it'll be a good laugh! wonder when is it coming to S'pore.

    i officially love Tuesdays and hate Wednesdays! Weds have BMIC! oh how dreadful... those "creepy crawlers" are getting the best of me. oh ya, had Hokkien Mee for lunch today.. let's have Mee Goreng tmr guys! that reminds me of my Js... havent met them for AGES! well, everybody's busy with their own lives...

    Elisa was very thoughtful. she can still remember that i needed a silicon hp cover. aww~~

    havent seen that lovely stranger for days alrdy. that's very disappointing. tmr's lesson is at 9am! so shall leave hse at arnd 8.40am so i can coincidentally meet up with her... LOL! oh wait, i sound like a stalker.

    oh yeah! i got my gym partner now. JEFFREY! hiak hiak! i am so looking 4ward to the sem break. i can finally go to the gym! i seriously feel like a loser with all the excess nonsense..

    Monday, August 4, 2008
    Presentation Day

    today's the day for my CSAS presentation. like finally can get it over with. and gosh~ it was kinda dreadful. i was like a kan-chiong spider - feeling very nervous about it. i did my script and tried as hard to memorize it....

    i am so tired right now that im typing this post with my lids half closed. very tired. there's OBC quiz tmr and going to sch early to complete FNC project. i seriously need a good slp.

    ok bye!

    Sunday, August 3, 2008
    Hot Choco and CheeseCake!

    met up with CXM to chill out at StarBucks. i seriously love the service of StarBucks. so much better than those attitude prob waiters or waitresses. maybe one day i shall be a coffee boy at StarBucks. anyhoots, i had mango cheesecake with hot choco plus the love of nicotine sticks and chit-chat.... ah~~~ life just rock balls!

    oh yea, im meeting up with BFFs, andy and cxm, tmr!!! how exciting~~ okay. im neglecting my school work again.. but i did studied BMIC. i dont wanna fail. shall study tmr morning again b4 i leave the hse.

    so Eunice, how was hotpot? haha!

    Friday, August 1, 2008
    I Must Pass This!

    stayed back after school to do my project report. lesson learnt - never do things at the last minute. it kills. my BMIC result is very shaky right now. like hanging on a thin thread. I DONT WANNA RE-TAKE BMIC! i want to get away as far as possible. so sallie, let's pass 2gether. (: