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You can call me Leslie.

I'm a Cancerian, '90

I dream and fantasize a lot.

I love photography.

I might just be a celebrity chef one day.

I am an animal lover.

I am health conscious sometimes.

I am not interested in people with no dining etiquette.

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  • My Favourites

  • Aunty Yochana
  • Curtis Stone
  • Hedi Slimane
  • Mike Rosenthal
  • Life's a highway, so take the wheel.

    Thursday, July 31, 2008
    Cupcakes, E'Claires & Ketchup Effect

    and so tdy was kinda fun. my group baked E'claires, Prune cupcakes and Apple sauce cupcakes. Ziyin's E'claires were hard man! "hardrock cafe". as what Jeff said. even Chef Michael laughed at those tiny lil rocks. haha!

    the cupcakes part was a total mess! forget this and that. i did the prune cupcakes. supposedly, 20g of butter. but my itchy hands put 100g of butter. forget to add the BAKING SODA! so at the last stage, just anyhow pour that baking soda and continue folding. BUT my prune cuppies turned out super fine! it was gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! seriously. it's so delicious. the appearance may be a lil shittie, but the taste is superb. heh! many said so too. muahahahaha!

    Jeff did the Apple sauce one. well, this time, we forget to put in the............. EGG! gosh~ such important ingredient we can screw up also. and so, Jeff's cuppies didnt turn out to its best. but i guess if it's done nicely, it'll be super nice la... love apple sauce~~

    i would like to share this video with ya'll. it's called the Ketchup Effect.

    Wednesday, July 30, 2008
    Lovely Jelly

    childhood memories - fruit jellies! this is when it gets sticky on ur fingers and very difficult to open sometimes. plus, when the syrup drips onto ur shirt, u'll get it from mama. (: it's delicious.

    anyways, was late for sch tdy. all thanks to my diarrhoea early in the morning. i walked to school with a super fast speed and i think i looked pretty ugly.. i walked so fast that i could feel that muscle intensity at my calves, machiam rigor mortis. and, early in the morning, there was a math test. i entered the wrong LT two times. firstly was LT 16, i opened the door and there wasnt any single soul there. secondly, LT 14, wrong class agn and i still banged the door so hard. oh ya, im so gonna fail math. damned!

    KFC for lunch after that. it's been long since my last date with KFC. it was uber gooooooooooood!

    Monday, July 28, 2008

    i suddenly got this random thought in mind. perhaps i need a part-time gf. ha ha! seriously. i am deprived of care and concern, love and ..... SEX. haha! when i first started blogging, mind was 2wards attention needing.. but as time goes by, liee-can-fly became my only confidante. i dont care if anybody's reading it. i just wanna pour out my feelings and emotions to liee-can-fly.

    lately, i have been in an effing good mood. oh yes, very very good. but whenever my mind starts to wander off, to the ppl arnd me, i start to feel empty. "it's fate that we know each other". i have been trying to convince myself with this phrase but like CXM, i HATE AND DETEST ppl who do not appreciate the other's existence. it's like "why fuck care abt them?" but i do care a hell lot.. it's just that they do not. i feel invicible.

    i will be doing my presentation next week about family bonding. i dont feel like doing it seriously. i quarrelled with my dad and havent spoken to him for weeks. yes, i am still very angry with him. very.

    dear god, grant me with good ppl in my life and a part-time gf. (:(:(:

    p.s. this post is a friendly one.

    Sunday, July 27, 2008
    That Stranger Again.

    last year i told CXM that there's this girl whom i always notice, stays arnd my block and was attracted to her.. and then all of a sudden, she disappeared. like POOF!

    then lately, she resurfaced again... that is why i am kinda looking 4ward to morning classes nowadays. she have grown a lil... carrying that gucci bag of her's, gg to work and prolly a sales exec.

    song playing : Hilary Duff - Stranger

    Friday, July 25, 2008
    Helluva' Great Day!

    the hell week's over! like fucking over! all thanks to the many many chapters of BMIC and SFP. i've finally bought my mobile's silicon cover. uhm.. it's a bit ugly but better than seeing my phone start to peel off.

    met up with CXM at Bugis. i accompanied her to the temple to pray. after that, i suggested that we go for FOOT REFLEXOLOGY MASSAGE. i was enjoyin' it... not CXM. she could have tore the cushion up and with that spastic face of her's. haha!

    Hot and spicy hotpot after.... it wasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss smoky but good! next time i'll ask for the four soup base one so that i can have one portion of it for my beef consumption. (:

    and then, RoomFul Of Blues was next! very crowded. played the finger-guessing game with CXM. TRIUMPH! after we have finished our 1 pint of Hoegarrden, Whisky Lime was next. still, CXM lost. then to Blue Martini, she lost agn. and then to B-52 and Tequila shots, she lost and was supposed to drink up the both but i was greedy. LOL! i took the Tequila shot.

    went home to catch the last episode of Heart Of Greed.

    Thursday, July 24, 2008

    and im back! com's reformatted. 80% of my uber gr8 songs are gone. some pictures gone. adobe photoshop gone. macromedia dreamweaver gone. that's very very very depressing.

    tests are making me breathless. i wonder why the lecturers just love giving tests with so MANY chapters when only 2 chapters will be tested? kinda sickening..

    hotpot tmr! yeah! i have pimple breakouts agn... plus tmr's dinner, wooooooooooooo~ massive destruction! okay gotta go back to my books now. Ciao!

    Sunday, July 20, 2008

    Happy B'day J!

    alritey, went to Enz's b'day party... i neglected my hmwk and projects. yea, just feelin' lazy.

    ok, Enz broke a bottle of my FAVOURITE chilli sauce. and look, the chilli sauce decided to form a lovely heart shape.

    and this devil pretzel got me "salted". kidney was aching after i had those.....

    love the beach.

    and this cake just rocked balls! seriously. it's Chocolate Mousse with Marshmallow Cake!

    ah~~~ the LIMs! i'm the oldest. muahahahaha! and i'll prolly be the last to get my driving licence..

    Void Deck Chill

    i'm just being 自戀 here. eh wait. i think the "lian" is wrong. pls correct me if it is. my chinese is real bad. anyways, wanted to catch Batman or Hell Boy but it was all fully booked. so we slacked at a void deck instead. bought cans of beer and my nicotine sticks and just chill out and chit-chatted away.

    going to Enz's party tmr. woohoo! i actually wanted to study today but my laziness kicked in and i WoftTeam and Wahjong the entire day. gosh~ i REALLY NEED TO STUDY!!!!!!!! i dont wanna take sub-papers.... ssssssssssssssick.

    Friday, July 18, 2008
    Dearest Computer Revived!

    i havent been online for some time alrdy cos my com decided to die on me. but for some weird reasons, it's revived. ah~ must have sensed that i need a companion now. :D

    yes, i have been in a foul mood lately. i have been trying and forcing myself to smile and act normal. oh well, i'll get better. i am missing my own smile though.

    J's and Enz's b'day is coming up. presentations coming up. exams coming up. sem break coming up. life's a bitch, embrace it.

    i am missing Roomful Of Blues for dont knw what reasons.... it is always the place to talk or just sit there silently with a nice whisky and enjoying the music. and still, i havent go for any gymming session. so much for my determination. i need a tan seriously. and, hotpot~~~~~

    p.s. i need my dose of nicotine

    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    my momma just bought the i-Robic. i'm luvin' it.. i can exercise even though i am lazy. oh, i just weighed and i gained another 1kg!!! like wtf is wrong?????????? i seriously need to go to the gym soon.

    p.s. i need a gym partner (:

    Saturday, July 12, 2008
    So Happening

    Happy Birthday W.L! went to TM to buy a lil prezzie for him b4 making my way to East Coast. it was a very boring ride there alone.... Mr and Mrs Lee and many friends were there alrdy. the celebration was a happening one i must say - with the gentle sea breeze and so many good friends arnd. yes, many thoughts went through my mind when i was lighting up the candles for W.L. i was reminded of my own friends, and that's when i start to feel the emptiness in me. i just envy W.L.

    okay. we played ball games at the beach at 3.30am! it was hell lot of fun seriously... even though i couldnt see the ball. haha!

    p.s. i wish nothing will happen.

    Thursday, July 10, 2008
    Mighty Chickpeas!

    tada! had fun with chickpeas today... i cooked it with a pressure cooker and it tasted like heaven... even though a lil portion of it was hard but the rest were rocking balls. talking abt the pressure cooker. i think it is a bloody scary appliance. imagine that u never release the steam b4 opening the lid..... EXPLOSION!

    i am so looking 4ward to next semester whereby i can finally learn the culinary and baking skills. it's so boring to learn science and math... i like food and culture though. (:

    Wednesday, July 9, 2008
    2 Inches.

    slacking day plus fantastic weather at school today. Ms Choo bought pizzas for the class for lunch. i'm not the pizza lover - only had 2 slices of that. maybe i shld put it this way - i don't like the Singapore style pizza. i prefer the american's. Singapore's pizza is freaking huge but the America's one is flat and "FLAPPY".

    school ended bloody early today. went to Orchard Road with Eunice and Jeff. i bought a pair of bermudas. as usual, i would take size 30 and confidently say i'll fit into it nicely. BUT BUT BUT, when i was in the fitting room, i had trouble buckling up! and then i tried size 32, and it fits! oh man, 2 inches gained. sucked. seriously. i admit i have been eating and drinking a lot. OKAY GYM SOON. but i'm lazy. wtf.

    Tuesday, July 8, 2008

    my favourite show! TVB rock balls!

    Friday, July 4, 2008

    it was the reunion of Cyn and CXM. dinner at StewHaus was just okay.. i expected something much better. Drinks at Georges and it was fucking warm outside and too happening inside. i still prefer the Mama's Bar.

    Thursday, July 3, 2008

    Wanted was gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood! cos there was Jolie's ASS. lol! but overall, i'll give it a 4/5.

    oh, i skipped school today. i slept longer and it was uber shiok! i missed the hot pot session. nobody's free! like wtf? it felt like Friday to me till i realized that i must slp early cos there's sch tmr.

    yes. i have been feeling rather stressed up lately but i am alright now! but my body reacted too slow to that. why? cos ONE FUCKING PIMPLE SURFACED! and Elisa said i looked tired. i must take more supplements now. hmmms... i am sipping to my second lovely cup of orange juice. i need to repair my body seriously.

    i still want to have my hot pot. any takers? =)

    It's For The Sepets

    i just got this e-mail and i thought i wanna share it with ya'll. to read that, u'll have to close ur eyes half. well, it didn't work for me. so i used the pulling the sides of my eyes (for the chinese and sepets). or the best, semi cross your eyes. u'll see them perfectly. LOL!

    Wednesday, July 2, 2008

    Waking up I see that everything is ok
    The first time in my life and now it's so great
    Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
    I think about the little things that make life great
    I wouldn't change a thing about it
    This is the best feeling

    This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
    This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
    And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

    I found a place so safe, not a single tear
    The first time in my life and now it's so clear
    Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
    It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
    I wouldn't change a thing about it
    This is the best feeling

    This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
    This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
    And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

    It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
    It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
    It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

    It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
    It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
    It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

    It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry

    This innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry
    This innocence is brilliance, please don't go away
    Cause I need you now
    And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

    This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
    This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
    And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

    I Thank You

    i am 18 now. it doesn't feel anything to me. but nonetheless, i had the warmest and loveliest b'day celebration ever. celebrated at Liquid Kitchen - the sofa couch rocked balls!

    i LOVE the salad, sausages and chilli soft-shell crab spaghetti the most! i had the most interesting Clam Chowder ever and i love the mellow yet delicious red wine. they may be simple dishes but CXM knows what i like best!

    look at them play....

    they lost to me in the end! muahahahahahaha!

    and then the clock strike 12. the cake arrived. i made a wish... a wish for friends forever.

    yeap, the organizer for my b'day. i thank you for everything. rock balls!

    J left. CXM and I didn't want to waste our night just like that. so we flew to Clarke Quay to drink SOME MORE! whahahaha! went to The MaMa's Caribbean Bar. hmms.. nearing the closing time, the DJ played "rock balls" songs. A gal asked CXM why i never dance.. haha! she's cute. and, her bf looked like Najib Ali.

    i thank all for the b'day wishes. (classmates, ex-classmates and many others)